Useful properties of red wine

Scientists at the University of Geneva have attributed the powerful compound resveratrol to fight cancer cells in the lungs and prevent the formation of tumors. Thus, in the tested rodents, which were subjected to treatment, they decreased by 45%, and in the affected tumors, the substance prevented the development of the disease.

Resveratrol is abundant in grapes and red wine, but scientists caution that regular consumption of large amounts of wine will not protect against cancer. More effectively when this substance enters the lungs when inhaled.

Swiss researchers believe that resveratrol may be a preventive measure against lung cancer.

The author of the study, Professor Muriel Cuende, noted that when taken in tablet form, resveratrol is destroyed within a few minutes before it reaches the lungs. Therefore, the task of scientists was to find a formulation in which resveratrol can penetrate in large quantities by nasal administration. This form allows it to reach the lungs.

When inhaled through the nose, the concentration of resveratrol in the lungs of mice was 22 times higher than when ingesting tablets.

Scientists plan to create a test that will determine who is shown preventive treatment with resveratrol.

Due to the fact that the compound is already used in food additives, it is considered safe.

Resveratrol was previously found to protect against cancer of the digestive tract — the intestines, stomach and esophagus. It is also proven that the substance stops the formation of protein deposits, which are found in 50% of tumors.

Scientists hope that this will lead to the development of a drug that prevents the formation of such protein clusters.

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